Monday, November 16, 2009

CNTC Unit Final Part 2

The only potential slam hand that came up during the CNTC Unit final was as follows. You are not vul and pick up KT762 A73 864 K4. Partner opens 1D in first seat and you bid 1S, the opps are silent throughout. Partner now bids 4C (Splinter), up to you?

The main question is do you have enough to cooperate towards a slam with the wasted K of Clubs or not. At our table, this hand decided the 5th Spade and A was enough to make 1 try, and bid 4H. Partner now Key Carded with 4N, and settled into 6S, which then got doubled by your RHO. The opening lead was the K of Diamonds, and partner laid down AQJ4 KQJ5 AQ93 6. It looks like the A of Diamonds is going to get biffed here, but with nothing better to do, you play it. Strangely, it holds, and when you play Spades, they are 2-2. You quickly claim, and RHO explains he looked at the auction wrong, and thought the opening bid was 1C, not 1D, hence the double.

At the other table, this hand decided that there was a little too much wastage opposite the shortness, and bid 4S, hoping partner could act again. This ended the auction, and resulted in a 12 IMP swing.

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